Dutch Pinball's machine

Latest games

September 10, 2021, 3:16 pm

1.Player 12,238,570
2.Player 210,763,680

August 19, 2021, 4:08 pm
Ball 1 of 3 (unfinished)

1.Player 10

August 19, 2021, 4:07 pm
Ball 2 of 3 (unfinished)

1.Player 1376,940

August 19, 2021, 4:03 pm
Ball 2 of 3 (unfinished)

1.Player 1235,000

Game Statistics

Overall game statistics of all the games played:

Total games played: 101
Total regular balls: 233
Total extra balls: 9
Trophies collected: 0
Registered players: 4
Average score: 16,061,346
Average game length: 05:41

High Scores

Grand Champion:
MOO - 49,483,210

1. MOO 45,682,130
2. MOO 31,941,800
3. MOO 29,835,200
4. MOO 13,880,870
5. KHE 7,390,930
6. KHE 3,771,790
7. FRE 2,901,480
8. FRE 2,667,940
9. KHE 2,233,980
10. KHE 1,686,310
11. KHE 1,260,510

All player profiles

If you have already registered and you want to check your profile, you can select it here: