Bill Versen's machine

Latest games

February 24, 2017, 10:17 pm

1.Player 115,486,390

February 24, 2017, 10:06 pm

1.BILL VERSEN (BIL)35,235,500

February 24, 2017, 10:04 pm

1.Player 13,237,700

February 18, 2017, 5:33 pm

1.BILL VERSEN (BIL)70,444,650

Game Statistics

Overall game statistics of all the games played:

Total games played: 61
Total regular balls: 216
Total extra balls: 0
Trophies collected: 0
Registered players: 2
Average score: 24,380,963
Average game length: 04:02

High Scores

Grand Champion:
BILL VERSEN (BIL) - 70,444,650

1. BILL VERSEN (BIL) 37,557,440
2. BILL VERSEN (BIL) 35,235,500
3. BILL VERSEN (BIL) 30,976,040
4. BILL VERSEN (BIL) 26,838,070
5. BILL VERSEN (BIL) 23,980,570
6. BILL VERSEN (BIL) 23,324,770
7. BILL VERSEN (BIL) 21,904,250
8. BILL VERSEN (BIL) 20,743,980
9. BILL VERSEN (BIL) 17,254,410
10. BILL VERSEN (BIL) 13,964,750
11. BILL VERSEN (BIL) 11,331,240
12. BILL VERSEN (BIL) 4,341,770
13. CAROLYN VERSEN (MOM) 3,436,040

All player profiles

If you have already registered and you want to check your profile, you can select it here: