Latest games
February 24, 2017, 10:17 pm
1. | Player 1 | 15,486,390 |
February 24, 2017, 10:06 pm
1. | BILL VERSEN (BIL) | 35,235,500 |
February 24, 2017, 10:04 pm
1. | Player 1 | 3,237,700 |
February 18, 2017, 5:33 pm
1. | BILL VERSEN (BIL) | 70,444,650 |
Game Statistics
Overall game statistics of all the games played:
Total games played: | 61 |
Total regular balls: | 216 |
Total extra balls: | 0 |
Trophies collected: | 0 |
Registered players: | 2 |
Average score: | 24,380,963 |
Average game length: | 04:02 |
High Scores
Grand Champion:
BILL VERSEN (BIL) - 70,444,650
1. | BILL VERSEN (BIL) | 37,557,440 |
2. | BILL VERSEN (BIL) | 35,235,500 |
3. | BILL VERSEN (BIL) | 30,976,040 |
4. | BILL VERSEN (BIL) | 26,838,070 |
5. | BILL VERSEN (BIL) | 23,980,570 |
6. | BILL VERSEN (BIL) | 23,324,770 |
7. | BILL VERSEN (BIL) | 21,904,250 |
8. | BILL VERSEN (BIL) | 20,743,980 |
9. | BILL VERSEN (BIL) | 17,254,410 |
10. | BILL VERSEN (BIL) | 13,964,750 |
11. | BILL VERSEN (BIL) | 11,331,240 |
12. | BILL VERSEN (BIL) | 4,341,770 |
13. | CAROLYN VERSEN (MOM) | 3,436,040 |
All player profiles
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