Overall statistics

Total games played: 24
Total regular balls: 67
Total extra balls: 0
Trophies collected: 4
Average score: 2,975,512
Average game length: 02:41

Personal Top 10

1. 7,076,150
2. 5,725,500
3. 4,952,950
4. 4,908,100
5. 4,055,350
6. 3,807,550
7. 3,279,700
8. 3,143,300
9. 3,031,750
10. 2,891,200
11. 2,832,300
12. 2,465,200
13. 2,370,350
14. 2,178,350
15. 2,048,700
16. 1,935,500
17. 1,787,500
18. 1,509,150
19. 1,282,150
20. 740,550
21. 464,450


Get Lucky
Collect a 1.000.000 super skillshot
January 10th 2015, 1:40 pm
Houston, we have lift off
Start multiball 1
February 6th 2015, 9:32 pm
Now that's a jackpot!
Collect a 24 million jackpot
Lights out, away we go!
Start Videomode by spelling PIN*BOT and shooting the scoop
April 18th 2015, 12:43 pm
Seasoned Racer
Finish Videomode level 6
Back-side Swoop
Reverse the right loop
February 6th 2015, 9:34 pm
Pennsylvania 3-500
Collect left loop, right loop and jets 500k awards in 1 ball