Overall statistics
Total games played: | 24 |
Total regular balls: | 67 |
Total extra balls: | 0 |
Trophies collected: | 4 |
Average score: | 2,975,512 |
Average game length: | 02:41 |
Personal Top 10
1. | 7,076,150 |
2. | 5,725,500 |
3. | 4,952,950 |
4. | 4,908,100 |
5. | 4,055,350 |
6. | 3,807,550 |
7. | 3,279,700 |
8. | 3,143,300 |
9. | 3,031,750 |
10. | 2,891,200 |
11. | 2,832,300 |
12. | 2,465,200 |
13. | 2,370,350 |
14. | 2,178,350 |
15. | 2,048,700 |
16. | 1,935,500 |
17. | 1,787,500 |
18. | 1,509,150 |
19. | 1,282,150 |
20. | 740,550 |
21. | 464,450 |
Get Lucky
Collect a 1.000.000 super skillshot
January 10th 2015, 1:40 pm
Collect a 1.000.000 super skillshot
January 10th 2015, 1:40 pm
Houston, we have lift off
Start multiball 1
February 6th 2015, 9:32 pm
Start multiball 1
February 6th 2015, 9:32 pm
Now that's a jackpot!
Collect a 24 million jackpot
Collect a 24 million jackpot
Lights out, away we go!
Start Videomode by spelling PIN*BOT and shooting the scoop
April 18th 2015, 12:43 pm
Start Videomode by spelling PIN*BOT and shooting the scoop
April 18th 2015, 12:43 pm
Seasoned Racer
Finish Videomode level 6
Finish Videomode level 6
Back-side Swoop
Reverse the right loop
February 6th 2015, 9:34 pm
Reverse the right loop
February 6th 2015, 9:34 pm
Pennsylvania 3-500
Collect left loop, right loop and jets 500k awards in 1 ball
Collect left loop, right loop and jets 500k awards in 1 ball